Zauberkurse für Kinder mit Andrea Hardy
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(von 8 - 12 Jahren)

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Zaubern mit Papa
Ein magischer Tag für Väter mit
Kindern von 5 – 8 Jahren.
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unsere Zauberkiste
Erlerne einen magischen Trick,
um deine Freunde zu verblüffen.
Zauberkurse für Kinder
mit Andrea Hardy
(von 8 - 12 Jahren)
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Zaubern mit Papa
Ein magischer Tag für Vater
und Kindern von 5 - 8 Jahren.
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unsere Zauberkiste
Erlerne einen magischen Trick,
um deine Freunde zu verblüffen.
mehr Infos ...

Magic is Fun!

Abracadabra - Magic School Regensburg is here!

Who from us hasn't wished they could perform magic? It's a common wish of children of all ages, both young and old. Magic is fascinating and offers a great learning potential.

The ability to do Magic promotes creativity and imagination, free speech, self-esteem, hand coordination skills, concentration and gives you a sense of achievement.

The Magic School Regensburg makes all this possible!

After the course is completed, parents and relatives are invited to a show where the students present what they've learned on-stage complete with music, lights and costumes.

In the Magic School Regensburg the children learn to be "Master Magicians" by themselves.

Magician Andrea Hardy

Andrea offers a variety of classes for the young sorcerer's apprentice. Whether you wish to spend more time with your family - or your children want to learn the basics of magic by themselves - the Magic School Regensburg has the right course for you. Our list of courses are custom fit for your every wish and desire.

Wenn Sie direkt mit Andrea sprechen wollen, rufen Sie unter der Telefonnummer: +49 (0) 941 / 94 68 100 an.

Our Programs

with Dad

A magical day for fathers with their kids from ages 5-8.

Magic with Mom/ the Grandparents

Enjoy the world of magic together for moms or grandparents with the kids.

Magic Course
for Kids

A day of magical wonder for kids from 8 - 13 years old.

in Zauberei

Privatunterricht in Zaubereri für Kinder ab 7 Jahren

Kid Parties/

Celebrate a truly magical birthday party

Magic School
on the Go

On the Go means the Magic School Regensburg comes to you!

Do you want to find out more?

Is magic something that has always interested you? Do you want to magically inspire both friends and family, but you just don't know how to do it?
We have what you're looking for, with a DIPLOMA! LEARN MAGIC AND EARN YOUR DIPLOMA!

Kontaktieren Sie Andrea Hardy noch heute unter:

Tel: +49 (0)941 / 94 68 100


Magic School Regensburg

An den St. Marien-Schulen Regensburg
Margaretenstr. 5 – 93047 Regensburg

Tel: +49 (0)941 / 94 68 100

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